How libraries can help contain Corona Virus?

Libraries are a major hubs of academic gatherings. Students come there to read, borrow and return books, material friends, exchange books, and/or just to have a good time in a silent reading atmosphere.

So, it is important Libraries follow best practices to contain corona virus. Here are a few best practices we have thought how you could play a role.

Present best practices

Urgently build a power point presentation of how you can contain the spread of corona virus. Make a good ten to twelve slides. Those of whom you have upgraded to Easylib 6.2a, save the powerpoint as images and upload them to Kiosk Management Module in Easylib. Set the timings to two to five seconds and let the information play.

Communicate with end users

Form library users groups in Easylib 6.2a or elsewhere. Communicate with your user frequently on library timings, best practices and any instructions.

Keep sanitizers handy

Make sure to keep a few sanitizers at the common areas. Keep things like antibacterial soaps like Dettol etc at the washrooms. During the regular circulation, do not touch your body parts after you handle a book and wash them thoroughly before eating.

Have students sit far from each other

Ensure that your students sis at least six feet apart.

Issue more books

As much as possible, give more books to students to read at home.

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