a. Time table parameter set up
Here you set up timetable parameters. These include setting parameters related to which teacher can take what class, rooms that can be assigned, practical or theory etc.
b. Automatic Generation of time table
Once you set all parameters, you can automatically generate timetables. The software considers all different parameters set and allocates most optimum timetable. In case of any conflict, it gives a show stopper or a warning message based on severity of the issue. It assigns staff to the classes, each subject, ensures conditions of maximum classes per week and per day are met as well as other conditions are met.
c. Manual Update of time table
a. Time table parameter set up
Here you set up timetable parameters. These include setting parameters related to which teacher can take what class, rooms that can be assigned, practical or theory etc.
b. Automatic Generation of time table
Once you set all parameters, you can automatically generate timetables. The software considers all different parameters set and allocates most optimum timetable. In case of any conflict, it gives a show stopper or a warning message based on severity of the issue. It assigns staff to the classes, each subject, ensures conditions of maximum classes per week and per day are met as well as other conditions are met.
c. Manual Update of time table
Once the time table is electronically generated, one can further modify the timetable and do updates for substitute teachers etc.